Below are IET policies.
- Accessibility Plan Reigate Valley College.pdf
- Accessibility Plan Wey Valley College.pdf
- Allegations Against Staff of Abuse Policy MASTER (1).pdf
- Anti-bullying policy MASTER.docx (1).pdf
- Anti-fraud policy.pdf
- Behaviour Policy.pdf
- Bereavement policy.pdf
- Blended Learning Policy.pdf
- Bring your Own Device.pdf
- Business Continuity Plan.pdf
- Careers Policy.pdf
- CCTV Policy.pdf
- Code of Conduct LGBs.pdf
- Code of conduct.pdf
- Complaints Policy and Procedure MASTER.docx (1).pdf
- COSHH Policy.pdf
- Data and E-Security Breach Prevention and Management Plan.pdf
- Data Protection Impact Assessment Policy.pdf
- Data Protection Policy.pdf
- Data Protection SAR Procedure.pdf
- Disability during exams policy.pdf
- Dogs in School Policy.pdf
- Drug and Alcohol Policy MASTER.docx.pdf
- Drug and Alcohol Policy.pdf
- ECT Induction Policy.pdf
- Equality Policy MASTER.docx (1).pdf
- E Safety Policy MASTER.docx.pdf
- Exam Appeals Policy.pdf
- Examinations Policy.pdf
- Exams - Non-Examinations Assessment Policy.pdf
- Exams - Word Processor during exams statement.docx
- Exams Contingency Plan.pdf
- Fire Safety Policy MASTER.docx.pdf
- First Aid Policy MASTER.docx (2).pdf
- Freedom of Information Policy.pdf
- GAG Pooling - Pooled funding & appeals Policy.pdf
- Gifts, hospitality and anti-bribery policy.pdf
- Health & Safety Policy MASTER.docx (1).pdf
- ICT Acceptable Use Policy MASTER.docx.pdf
- IET Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 24-25.pdf
- IET safeguarding child protection policy september 2023-2024.pdf
- Induction & Probation Policy.pdf
- Information Security Policy.pdf
- Information Sharing Policy.pdf
- Investment Policy.pdf
- Lone Working Policy MASTER.docx (1).pdf
- Looked After Children Policy.pdf
- Managing Staff Absence Policy.pdf
- Pay Policy 2023-24.pdf
- Parental leave and pay policy (Support Staff).pdf
- Photography and video policy.pdf
- Procurement Policy.pdf
- Protection of Biometric Information Policy.pdf
- Provider Access Policy.pdf
- Publication Scheme .pdf
- Pupil Premium Statement MASTER.docx.pdf
- Pupil Premium Statement MASTER.docx (1).pdf
- Recording Meetings Policy.pdf
- Recruitment and Selection Policy May 23 MASTER.pdf
- Remissions and Charging Policy.pdf
- Reserves Policy.pdf
- RSE Policy MASTER.docx (1).pdf
- School Exclusion Policy.pdf
- Security Incident and Data Breach Policy.pdf
- SEND Policy 23-24
- Special Leave Policy.pdf
- Staff Disciplinary and Capability Procedure MASTER.docx (1).pdf
- Staff Grievance Policy & Procedure.pdf
- Stress management Policy.pdf
- Subject Access Request Policy.pdf
- Support Staff Sick Pay Policy.pdf
- Supporting Students With Medical Conditions.pdf
- Teachers_ adoption Policy.pdf
- Teachers_ Maternity Leave Policy (start or continuous service from 01.04.2021).pdf
- Teachers_ Maternity Leave Policy (Start or continuous service prior to 01.04.2021).pdf
- Teachers_ Sick Pay (on or after April 21).pdf
- Teachers_ sick pay (prior to 1 April 2021).pdf
- Teachers_ Surrogacy Policy.pdf
- Trips and Visits Policy.pdf
- Whistleblowing Policy.pdf