Trade Union Faculty time
Trade union facility time
No employees were relevant Trade Union officials during the relevant period for the year ended 31 August 2023 and no paid time off for Trade Union activities as provided by the Academy Trust during the year.
Relevant union officials
Number of employees who were relevant union officials during the relevant period | Full-time equivalent employee number |
0 | n/a |
Percentage of time spent on facility time.
Percentage of time | Number of employees |
0% | 0 |
1%-50% | 0 |
51%-99% | 0 |
100% | 0 |
Percentage of pay bill spent on facility time.
Total cost of facility time | £0 |
Total pay bill | £0 |
Percentage of total pay bill spent on facility time | 0% |
Paid trade union activities
Time spent on paid trade union activities as a percentage of total paid facility time hours | 0% |